We are half way through the year already! Can you believe it?
I think this year will be a record low for me on how many paintings I complete. Dang! What’s the deal? What have I been doing? Honestly, a lot of things that surround my painting world but does not include me painting Does this make a bit of sense?.

I have framed about thirty pieces of art. This means I have made the frame, painted them, cut mattes for them, cut glass for them, put wire on the back of them, and then put them all together with prints or original paintings and sent them places for various shows or collectors. This equates to a lot of time spent in the shop and not in the studio. The good thing is the sale of these helps to keep the art business alive. Provides me money to purchase new paint that I havn't been using - wait, what?

In addition to frame building, last few months I have been teaching myself marketing. I now fully understand how someone could go to a four-year school and major in this. There is soooo much to learn. I’m finishing up a marketing plan for myself. Being that this is a three-month cram session I cannot deem myself a professional marketeer but it has given me a starting point and a basic understanding so as I grow over the next few years I have something to refer to, goals to follow and a document that I can adjust and take notes on. I have also been looking at some professional marketing help and I think this pre-study will put me in a better understanding to ask more advanced questions to the person whose time I am paying for. I don’t want to pay someone to teach me things I can learn on my own but I do want to pay them to help me refine and put the final pieces together. I think this is the next logical step for pushing my business forward.
Along with the marketing I have also acquired a new computer thanks to one of my biggest collectors – you know who you are. The new computer is a joy to work on but has also caused a few headaches. I didn’t realize it but we have literally thousands of pictures from the last 10 or so years that need to be transferred off the old computer. Mind boggling and yes, my computer was that old. It's funny, but it was so old that for the last few years I couldn't update anything so along with the new computer comes a few new things. New versions of Microsoft office, new version of my art logging software, new photoshop, new light room, and the biggest thing is video editing. After I tackle the marketing thing, I just might start doing videos – art videos. Does this sound like a good idea? Are you interested?
What’s planned for July?

To start the month off I hung new art in the Threshold Gallery in Redlands, CA. I will be offering a free print give away to all who venture into the gallery and drop their email address into my collection pot. If you’re in the area, please stop by and enter!! The Threshold Gallery is located near the historic Fox movie theatre, down town Redlands, CA at 18 East Vine Street. Insider tip - visit on Thursday evening so you can stop by the Redlands farmers market too. It's just a block or so away.
On the first weekend of July (this weekend) I will be dropping off art work at Vision Quest Gallery in Yucaipa, CA. They have moved the gallery to a store front along Yucaipa Blvd in the upper old town district. They should see a lot more traffic here. Make a Saturday afternoon of it and stop by our new pub, Yucaipa Brew House have a snack and a cold beer then go see some art. Sounds like fun?
This week I pick up any unsold artworks from my group show in Riverside for the Art Scapes nonprofit community. Always a pleasure to help with some community outreach opportunities.
The most exciting things planned for July is working on some new drawings for new paintings. The drawing portion of my art is kind of funny. When I sketch I can be anywhere and sketch on anything. I can be at the ball game, coffee shop, church, or outside next to the fire pit. My mind is wide open. When I paint, I can usually paint anywhere if I have my supplies. When I paint I love to listen to music, books on tape or talk with other people, again my mind is open – not wide open but still open. But when I draw I am focused, closed minded and in my zone. No one’s around, no music plays, noth’n. I don’t like sharing the drawings in process either. I guess I don’t want any outside influence while I’m putting everything together. Weird huh? I guess it’s just one of my quirks. The news to take away from this is – new art is on the way.
I have been getting a lot of comments lately about how some people are confused on how or where to buy a piece of art of mine. In the past I haven’t been forward with this and I apologies. Just so you know, everything I put over social media is for sale. All you need to do is comment and/or let me know you want to talk off line – like through email, messenger, direct message, etc. There’s no pressure either so feel free to reach out to me even if you’re not ready to buy yet. I am also working on my art store via my website and I hope to have it ready to go soon. When it’s ready I’ll be selling prints, painting’s and more. And I’ll be keeping you all in mind with deals only you are privy to. More to come on this, stay tuned.
Until next time, don’t forget to run into the Threshold Art Gallery and enter to win a free print and reach out to me with any questions, comments or concerns. And as always,

P.S - Forgot to mention my non- art stuff. I’m gearing up for a new multi day / night hike. I’m putting a few ideas together for the crew to pick from. I should be hiking with some old search and rescue teammates and a few new faces too. Definitely fun stuff. The hike will be in the wilderness and a good portion of it will be off trail. Sometimes you need to adventure into the woods to really see the woods. I’m sure we’ll all have some bragging rights around the next campfire.